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John F. Dumas
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C - Reverse List

► Problem Description: Write a c program to reverse a singly-linked list. Do not allocate any additional memory, do the reversal in place.

► Example Output:

allocated: [00482FD8]
allocated: [00476AC0]
allocated: [00476AD0]
allocated: [00475F28]
allocated: [00475F38]
allocated: [00477408]
allocated: [00477418]
allocated: [0047D320]
allocated: [0047D330]
allocated: [0047D340]
allocated: [0047D4A8]

[00482FD8] => 0
[00476AC0] => 1
[00476AD0] => 2
[00475F28] => 3
[00475F38] => 4
[00477408] => 5
[00477418] => 6
[0047D320] => 7
[0047D330] => 8
[0047D340] => 9
[0047D4A8] => 10

[0047D4A8] => 10
[0047D340] => 9
[0047D330] => 8
[0047D320] => 7
[00477418] => 6
[00477408] => 5
[00475F38] => 4
[00475F28] => 3
[00476AD0] => 2
[00476AC0] => 1
[00482FD8] => 0

freeing: [0047D4A8]
freeing: [0047D340]
freeing: [0047D330]
freeing: [0047D320]
freeing: [00477418]
freeing: [00477408]
freeing: [00475F38]
freeing: [00475F28]
freeing: [00476AD0]
freeing: [00476AC0]
freeing: [00482FD8]

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